Development Mac Reviews

Learning iOS Development – Day 3 & 4: Lynda

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It’s been awhile, but I decided to take up this subject (yet again.) Although I do still have access to Safari Online, a friend of mine lent me his copy of iPhone SDK Essential Training DVD from for comparison. I spent the last two days watching the video. It’s just under 7 hours, but I spread it over two days because I was watching Tebow get his butt handed to him against the Patriots (sigh, I was hoping for more.)

The video in a word is Awesome.


Learning iOS Development – Day 2: lite day…

ios5.jpgToday was a light day for learning. I only made it through a couple of more videos before I had to take care of other things. Strange, I sat down at my computer about 4 hours ago and did work for everyone else but me. I’ll have to make up for it tomorrow. I should be up to the point in the video training that I will actually be able to download and/or write some code. Can’t wait! But for now.. bed.


Learning iOS Development – Day 1: Seriously? Again?

ios5.jpgOnce again, I’m heading back into the development world. Over the last few years I haven’t done any serious development as I was more concerned about finding a gig and some stabilization in my life. Now that I’m in a gig and my life has settle into somewhat of a routine, I decide to start looking into getting back into some programming. I figure it’s better than spending my time watching TV or catching up on movies. Maybe I can come out of this little exercise with a published program. Who knows?

Development Mac

My Cocoa Education – First impressions

Xcode icon I wanted to document my first impressions with learning how to program in Cocoa. As I had posted previously, I’m using Aaron Hillegass’s book Cocoa® Programming for Mac® OS X, Third Edition on Safari Online’s site. Due to other commitments, I’ve only covered the first six chapters of the book.


Starting My Cocoa Education

Since I’ve switched to the Mac as my main work machine, I’ve been keenly interested in developing oXcode iconn  that platform.  There have been a couple of tools I really want to build but I have no idea how to even start programming on this platform.  I figure that I might as well blog about my learning experience as well.