I’ve added a resource page to this blog to track all sorts of products, services, and websites that I’ve looked into or bought into. You can find the page here. I’ve just started the list today, and I’m already behind in the number of things I want to add.
Installing Apple’s Darwin Calendar Server
(Due to Cmmj’s initial efforts an official Ubuntu wiki article has been created)
Ah… It’s a new year. Time to dust off those old forgotten projects and renew energy and see if we can get them completed. One of my projects that I started last year was to get a Family Calendar installed so that the family could use any of the PCs or Macs in the house to see our schedules. Yes, I do have a wall calendar, but where’s the fun in that?
New Server – Same name – an SSH issue
Today I started playing around with Apples’ Darwin Calendar Server . I’ve attempted this before in the past and I didn’t get very far with it. However, when I took up the reigns again today, I encountered a completely different problem that took me a little bit of time to resolve. In short, I had incorrect SSH keys in my local client to connect to my server. All of you SSH/Unix gurus out there probably can skip this, but this may help some nubies.
I don’t know where I’ve been, but I missed this great writeup on Coding Sanity: Review:WINDOWS XP . I also upgraded to XP. I may try Vista again if I get a beefier machine. — and that’s a sad commentary on the amount of hardware you need to run just an OS!!
Okay.. I’ve come to the decision that I’m going to be using MS Live Writer for my main blogging tool. It seems to have all of the features I’m looking for – except for being cross-platform. No worries, I came up with a game plan that would allow me to use Ubuntu as my main OS and still use Live Writer.