Ran into an interesting problem today on my Gusty Gibbon installation that I thought was important to share. I saw an article on Virtualbox software and I thought I’d give it a try. So the first thing I always do when installing something on Ubuntu is to see if there is an official package for the software in the repos by using Synaptic Manager. Synaptic Manager allowed me to log into the interface, but then core dumped. Ugh!
Stumbled upon this site and it seems very useful – especially if you have kids that are dying to see that "PG-13" MPAA-rated movie:
Dell Crystal Display | Uncrate
Seriously? This is sexy. Did Apple lose a designer to Dell? I WANT ONE!!
Thanks Uncrate!
Dell Crystal Display | Uncrate
Picture Frames – Xmas Toys
It seems that everyone this year got either a GPS device or a Digital Picture Frame for Xmas. I personally bought two digital picture frames – one for my sister and brother-in-law and my parents another. The same sister bought a picture frame for my parents and my parent bought me a picture frame! Guess we need to co-ordinate a bit better in the future. One thing I did notice is that we all got each other different frames that have different capabilities. I do have to say, my present took the Propeller Head Prize.
Quick Silver Envy – Part II
(See Part III of this series for an update)
I’ve made some progress on this front and I was quite surprised at my findings. My resolution to stay a Linux user is starting to shake now that I’m trying to find tools that will allow me to focus on content rather than tweaking. In short, I’ve given up on Colibri and started using Launchy.