Photography Reviews Tech

LifeHacker find: PosteRazor Splits Images into Multiple Page Posters

PosteRazor logoThis was a great find from LifeHacker:

LifeHacker find: PosteRazor Splits Images into Multiple Page Posters

PosteRazor will take one image and allow you to divide them up into multiple  sections.  This will allow you to print a large image using your standard size printer.  However, the reason I like this program is that it will allow you to mimic some of the latest trends with artwork in some home decorating magazines that take one scene and break it up into multiple picture frames.  This will be a summer project for me.  I need to get some prints on the wall near my staircase.  This could be very interesting look.

PosteRazor is open source and has binaries for Windows, Linux, and Mac.  OMG I love Open Source!